Janice, North Shore, Retired Nurse

Some years ago I fell off a pushbike and fractured four vertebrae. The timing for this couldn’t have been worse because in a couple of months I had a trip to the UK and Europe planned and my flights were already booked and paid for. Melody was recommended to me by a mutual friend (Serena). Melody showed me how to strengthen my back muscles carefully while my injuries healed to prepare me for the trip ahead. She also made sure that I knew key stretches and exercises that I could use while I was travelling.
I am pleased to say that I had a wonderful time on my trip and Melody’s expertise was a major contributing factor. Following the trip I’ve worked with Melody to improve my posture and movement. For example, the way I walked, i.e. favouring various parts of my body. She began by observing me after walking behind me, and then re-taught me how to walk. We’ve gone from there and I simply wouldn’t be without her. She keeps in touch regularly, even though we live many miles apart. She is always there for advice and adjustments to my exercise plan if I need it. I’ve also seen her take an exercise class and it is quite a wonder to see. To be in a relationship of both personal training and NLP support is something I would not want to do without. I would recommend her to anybody, at any age.

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